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[wyde_heading style=»8″ text_align=»left» title=»Taste the difference of organic produce. From our farm, to your plate»]
[wyde_info_box icon_set=»farming» icon_farming=»fm-cafe-sign» icon_size=»large» color=»#fee299″ title=»Cafe Opening Hours»]Tuesday – Friday:
11.00am – 4.00pm

Saturday – Sunday:
9.00am – 6.00pm

Lunch is served from 11.30pm – 2.30pm
Coffee, teas, cold drinks and cakes in the mornings and afternoons.

– Closed Mondays –[/wyde_info_box]

Relax in our friendly cafe with views across the farmyard and fields beyond.

Freshly prepared every day, our food reflects what’s growing in  the farm. In the warm spring or summer weather you can sit out on our lovely terrace with a succulent salad. On chillier days, you can snuggle up near the woodburner with a comforting soup, a fresh coffee, or a luscious slice of pie.

This is a place to linger in, with friends, with books, or in peace with your thoughts. It’s also an excellent source of inspiration on what to do with all those beautiful veggies…

[wyde_image_gallery image_size=»gogreen-large» gallery_type=»slider» visible_items=»4″ images=»7064,7065,7066,7067,7068,7069,7077,7071,7072″ show_pagination=»true» auto_play=»true»]

Made with delicious, organic ingredients

Our menus may change frequently based upon ingredient availability from our farmers, but will always pleasantly surpass your expectations!

[wyde_link_button icon_set=»farming» icon_farming=»fm-recipes-book» style=»outline» size=»large» title=»Organic Kitchen Menu» link=»url:%23||»]
[wyde_heading style=»8″ text_align=»left» title=»If you have any questions about our current menu, or you would like to find out what our daily specials are, please call us on» heading_color=»#3ab45a»]

+1 111-888-000